Monday, August 15, 2011

Impressive Desserts

This week in the Real Women of Philadelphia Contest is most everyone's favorite. DESSERT!

We are now challanged to create an IMPRESSIVE DESSERT. Here is my submission and how it came about. Do you think it's a $500.00 winner? I sure hope so.

Little Black Dressed to Impress Dessert Shells

When challenged with creating an IMPRESSIVE DESSERT I thought about all the fancy desserts I had either eaten, seen or made. Then I thought about going to fancy parties and what makes the best impression.”The Little Black Dress”. It’s simple, elegant, always correct and can be dressed up to wow. From that came these dessert shells. Simple ingredients dressed up to IMPRESS.

6 oz Philadelphia Brand Cream Cheese
2 Heaping tablespoons peanut butter
2 tablespoons strawberry jelly
2 tablespoons confectioners’ sugar
2 capfuls vanilla extract (divided)
2 cups semi sweet chocolate chips
1 ¾ cups heavy whipping cream
6 store bought ready- made dessert shells

In a 3 quart heavy bottom sauce pot scald heavy cream until sides begin to bubble.
Do not boil. Remove from heat and add chocolate chips and 1 capful vanilla. Let stand 3-5 minutes.
Then stir until chocolate and cream are incorporated to create a shiny pourable ganache´.
Place in a large measuring cup, set aside to cool.

Meanwhile in a large mixing bowl beat cream cheese, peanut butter, jelly, sugar and 1capful vanilla until fluffy. Spoon into dessert shells (mound it up); place filled dessert shells on a wire rack over a large baking sheet. Put in the refrigerator for 15 min to set up.

Remove dessert cups from fridge and pour cooled ganache´ over each shell making sure to cover completely. Add any topping you like for garnish (peanuts, strawberries, raspberries…) and a small piece of mint.
Place back in the refrigerator for 30 minutes until ganache´ has hardened. Serve and Enjoy!

Until tomorrow eat well live well!

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